View Menu

On clicking the "View" menu there are various options on how the Appliance List is displayed.

Dividing Lines

The "Dividing Lines" option draws black lines between each appliance.

Row Headers

If you click on the "Row Headers" option from the "View" Menu, to the left of each appliance a Row Header button is drawn allowing you to easily select an appliance row.

Show Odd / Even Row Colours

The "Show Odd / Even Colour" option colours each alternate line of appliances a different colour making it easier to read accros the lines. You can decide which colours you want by changing the options in the System Settings screen.

Show / Hide Group By Box

The "Group by Box Visible" option shows or hides the Grouping box at the top of the appliance list. You can use this box to group the appliances by various methods. See Sorting And Grouping for a full explanation of how to do this.

Freeze First 2 Columns

The "Freeze First 2 Columns" stops the first 2 columns moving when using the horizontal scrollbar. (See Below) This allows you to look at the furthest most columns of data whilst still seeing which appliance id and description they apply to. (This feature will be familiar to you if you use the same facility in Microsft Excel) If you re-order the columns by dragging them, it is always the first 2 columns that get frozen under this option.

Note - if you have a very big computer screen and are running your screen at high resolution you may never need to use this option as ALL the columns will always be displayed.

Expand / Contract Groups

The "Expand / Contract Groups " expands or contracts the appliances into their group headers or the group headers with the appliances shown. See Also Sorting And Grouping.

Clear Groups

The "Clear Groups " option removes any grouping you have applied when you dragged column headers into the group by box at the top of the appliance list. You can also use the Toolbar button to do this. See Also Sorting And Grouping.

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