Bulk Replace

The Bulk Replace option allows you to replace various items of data without editing each individual record. You can search for example for a retest period of 12 months and replace it with a period of 24 months. Select "Bulk Replace" from the "Tools" menu (Quick Key Press CTRL + J) or click on the Bulk Replace button on the Main Toolbar. See Also Bulk Replace Selection

If you click on the Trash can button it will clear both the Replace and With entries for that particular field.

In the example below every appliance description containing only the word COMPUTER will be replaced with the words COMPUTER MONITOR.

Note that you can find blank entries, for example completing the With User field with an entry but leaving the Replace User field blank will find every blank User entry and replace it with what you have typed in.

Bulk Replace Selection

If you have selected a range of tests on the main screen, See Selecting Multiple Tests then clicking on the Bulk Change button or Selecting "Bulk Replace" from the "Tools" menu (Quick Key Press CTRL + J) will bring up the Bulk Change Selection screen. This provides a similar function but will only perfrom the chnages on those tests which are selected.


You need to click OK to perform the bulk replace. There is a progress bar displayed at the bottom of this screen to show how your changes are progressing. This is particularly useful if you are changing data on a file with several thousand tests or the computer you are using is not especially quick.


Click Cancel to close the bulk replace screen without performing any changes to your data.

Remember: It is a very good idea to back up your file before making bulk changes, just in case you later decide to revert to the original data.

See Also Bulk Replace Selection

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(This Topic Last updated 25/08/2009)